“Support the Arts" License Tag Grant Program
The purpose of the Alabama Arts License Tag Grant Program is to promote the arts in Alabama, especially arts education, including visual arts, dance, folk arts, drama, and music.
Proceeds from the sale of the Support the Arts License Tag fund a variety of school and community projects.
Buy one the next time you renew your auto plate or exchange your current plate for one of the new Support the Arts plates at your county Probate Judge's Office. (For more information, please visit revenue.alabama.gov)
Since 2004, over $2,000,000 in the form of grants has been awarded to schools and arts organizations from Ashland to York!
Program Requirements and Guidelines
A grant may be submitted from nonprofit organizations with a 501(c)3 designation, schools, or school systems. Grants will not be considered for individuals.
One grant request per organization up to $5,000 will be considered per deadline.
Only one grant per organization will be awarded per calendar year.
If an organization is awarded a grant, they must sit out the next two (2) tag grant deadlines before they are eligible to submit another application. They may apply again on the 3rd deadline after the deadline in which they were awarded a grant.
Final reports for a previously funded project are required for an organization to be considered eligible when applying for a new project grant.
Projects with an arts education focus, statewide impact and/or are creative and innovative will receive priority funding.
The application must be completed in its entirety. Additional pages will not be accepted.
Upcoming License Tag Application Date:
Application Deadline: December 15, 2024 (by 5 p.m.)
The Tag Committee will meet in January 2025 (in response to grants submitted by December 15, 2024)
ATTENTION: Applications must be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m. on deadline date to guarantee review.
If you have questions, please call Donna Russell at (334) 391-1334.
If funded, the following statement must be included in all materials pertaining to the program/project:
"This program/project is funded in part by the Support the Arts License Tag Fund."
If you have already received a tag grant and need to complete a final report form, please click HERE.
If you have received a grant and will have to make changes, please complete the Support the Arts License Tag Project Change Form. Click HERE for the form.
A six-person volunteer committee governs the program. Committee members serve on a voluntary basis and one member is appointed by each of the following organizations or individuals: the Alabama State Council on the Arts, the Alabama Arts Alliance, the State Department of Education, the Governor, the Lieutenant Governor, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Support the Arts License Tag Committee
201 Monroe St., Suite 110
Montgomery, AL 36130-1800
If you need an image of the arts tag, please right-click on the tag image and select “save image as…”, then save to your computer. (On a Mac computer, press Ctrl and click on the image.)